Author's Signature

    Яαgιи Яαvєи
    Cairo, Egypt
    Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.
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Tapping at my chamber door

In 2008, I'll Get Me A Shotgun

I will also:
2. Get closer to
Job hunt some more.
4. Get closer to my
5. Learn a new language.
Finish at least one screenplay.
Lose the extra weight.
8. Get a
driver's license. I will not buy a car.
9. I will
rule my world.
10. I will have my

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Stringless Addiction

No, darling. I will not share it. Not yet. Not ever.
The list is mine to bear, to adore, to hold, to keep, to cherish.
I adore you.

I miss this page, my untarnished companion; but I have drifted away from it. I no longer need to hide behind my careless string of letters. I wear them like my name and give them all to you. The many nights I walked the streets of Cairo, roaming around, floating amidst them ghosts… those cold, cold ghosts; only to come back home and rant in my head with my imaginary friends. The white rabbit, the dark prince, the nonexistent female… all of them beings of my own insane creation… I don’t need them anymore. Adios dear friends. I have found the reason why I’ve been writing for the past two years.
I have you to rant to, to bore with my silly stories, to calm me down, to straighten my head, to fill my joy bar, to strengthen my faith in God, to make me smile pointlessly, to jumpstart my heart.

Dear God… Thank you.

Patience and faith. I believe.

I love the way you lift my guilt off my shoulders. I love the way you make me know that it’s OK not to be perfect. I love the way you’ve tamed my impenetrable ego. I can not wait to ask you to dance with me in public. The way you move me effortlessly, like a puppet master whose puppet obeys stringlessly. Baby, I would create my own strings for you; hook ‘em up to my limbs and ask you to move me.
I love you that much.

Ouch… a bit freakish, huh.

Patience is hard when you’ve found what you’re looking for. I can not wait for us to share the same dream, to stare through the same windshield. I can not wait to share the same bed with you.

I love the way you tenkosheeny with your cruel jokes. :P
Darling my list is too strange; I don’t think you would understand. It’s written in a language that I can not comprehend. I love you for reasons beyond my understanding. You’ve touched the right spots in me. You know me. I know you. Like we were two branches sticking out of the same tree, entangled around one another in a past life.
I can read you better than I do my soul… ya roo7y.

Surprisingly, sometimes I miss my dark side. I always believed that my dark side has a lot of potential, that I would have excelled doing dark magic curses, in crime, in writing a new religion that would deceive the common masses into the delusion of the millennium.
There’s a crazy side to me that has always been waiting to be expressed to the world.

I love the way that you’ve managed to go beyond my bullshit, my words, my evil, my good… and read and love me for who I am, for who I want to be.


How beautiful...
This is just so beautiful.
If I had you writing this for me, I would fall in Love with you a million times over & over again...

& Again.

to be honest i feel bad for the abandoned (or abandoned to be) blog

i swear i felt a pang of pain on behalf of it.

surely ur not going to leave it all alone and miserable when its been so faithful to u when u were alone in the world?!

PG, long time no see. I thought you ditched me. :P
Oh well.. I ain't leaving it. I like it just the way it is.

My dear Jade..
I am the lucky one after all. al 7amdulellah

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