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    Яαgιи Яαvєи
    Cairo, Egypt
    Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.
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Tapping at my chamber door

In 2008, I'll Get Me A Shotgun

I will also:
2. Get closer to
Job hunt some more.
4. Get closer to my
5. Learn a new language.
Finish at least one screenplay.
Lose the extra weight.
8. Get a
driver's license. I will not buy a car.
9. I will
rule my world.
10. I will have my

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Life without air conditioning – Day 12

Nauseated. I’ve always had a strong stomach. I could watch a gore film while eating, hear stories about “gross” domestic products and still be able to go on with my daily functions without feeling iffy.

Lately, things have changed.

I guess it’s like the fact that some people start wearing glasses at the age of thirty.

Except that today… they have that laser thing that they do to fix it all up, bring your vision back from that blurry place you’ve dwelled on…

perhaps even gotten used to.

Funny thing… a woman called at work, asked to speak a LASEK doctor. Why do they call it LASEK?

I just looked it up. Laser Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratomileusis. What the… Kera what? Why not just call it Bobby? Why the white trash, 4-eyed, book worm vocab? I was never good at white coat lingo.

I wear glasses. I don’t really need them. I think my eye sight revolves around -1 and -0.75 or whatever. Not really sure. I only wear glasses when I’m outside home. I now depend on them while crossing a street and at work. Don’t really know why. Perhaps it’s the fear that I would miss that chasing car, the idea of the businessman look, the handshake and all that banker experience.

Maybe I just have a lot to hide.

I do like pushing it back while listening carefully to my colleagues.

The illusion of being intrigued.

All I know is that the doctor said that I don’t really need glasses… but then again I never needed those ten $15 ties that I bought off the internet, I never needed that new cell phone, I never needed that $10 styling gel bottle that I bought from Spinney’s now that I have a very short crew cut that I plan to hold on to for a while.

I never needed blogspot.

*Pause (Gotta talk to the brother)*


My brother just asked me if I wanted a 512 MB memory card. He already has 1 GB and 32 MB cards. I told him that I didn’t need it since I already have like three.

I also told him to hold on to it… you never know when you might need it.

Huh… yeah well.

I guess I’ll just hold on to the useless things that I have for a while… sometimes they’re just the dearest.

Dude, I guess we are getting old... Apparently with smoking and the weird lives we live 26 is the new 50...

And yeah that LASEK thing, I have always wondered how people correct me when I go the Laser operation... Thanks for the info but well... I am still gonna stick to the Laser thing, Old is Gold

1. GBK i told u ur old

2. "Why the white trash, 4-eyed, book worm vocab?"
ooooooh i was going to get gravely offended on behalf of all glassses-wearing people until u pointed out that ur one of them.

3. "but then again I never needed those ten $15 ties that I bought off the internet, I never needed that new cell phone, I never needed that $10 styling gel bottle that I bought from Spinney’s now that I have a very short crew cut that I plan to hold on to for a while."

thus revealed, the beauty of shopping.

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